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About Me

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Welcome to Hello Savory Kitchen, your home for delightful, uncomplicated recipes that anyone can master!

On this site, I’m dedicated to sharing mouthwatering dishes crafted from everyday ingredients you can easily find. Here, you’ll discover my personal twist on beloved classics and exciting new creations, all celebrating the wonderful world of flavors and the joy of cooking.

I believe in savoring the essence of each season. My culinary journey is guided by the philosophy of eating with the seasons, using predominantly whole foods, and, above all, sharing the love for good food with you. Join me as I embrace the bounties of each season and transform them into delicious, wholesome dishes for your table.

Who is behind Hello Savory Kitchen?

Hi, I am Gabriela, the author, recipe developer, and food writer for this blog. I cooked all my life for family and friends. Everyone always encouraged me to open my own restaurant, food truck, or blog to share my recipes instead of posting pictures of my food on Facebook.

Gabriela's portrait- the owner of Hello Savory Kitchen.

I am the one behind this blog. I wear many hats every day, which I never thought I would be able to do. I am the cook, writer, photographer, blog designer, and social media manager. When I get stuck, I use trained help because as much as I think I can do everything, there are times when things get overwhelming.

Why do I blog?

  • I chose to blog because I always liked writing. I am also good in the kitchen. This was the best opportunity for me to combine my two passions into one place and become a full-time blogger .
  • I like the fact that I can manage my own time, do what I love the best, and earn money from it.
  • I believe that cooking and baking are survival skills that everyone should have, therefore I want to offer practical, easy recipes made from fresh, natural ingredients that are not processed, so more and more people discover the benefits of eating healthier.
  • I would love to create a community of people who love to cook from scratch and enjoy being in the kitchen. I think the world would be more peaceful if we would gather often around good food.

What is my background in food

  • I am a self taught cook and a trained pastry and confectionery baker.
  • I can cook almost anything as I am very interested in all kind of cuisines.
  • I read and do a lot of research before I post a recipe on my blog. I like to learn techniques, methods and tricks to cook and bake professionally and I will share that with you as much as possible.

Do I follow a particular diet?

No, I do not. I aim for balanced meals and do eat meat, lots of vegetables, and fruits. We enjoy baked goods, but we do not eat a lot of them. Believe it or not, when I make a cake, it is usually not for us. I like baking easy bread recipes at home and sometimes make yogurt from scratch.  

I am not a nutritionist, but I do read a lot about nutrition. I believe in the way our ancestors ate. Therefore, I have real butter, cream, whole milk, and sometimes, yes, lard in my refrigerator and pantry.

Why my recipes did not work for you

I am not sure. I do my best to explain how to make the recipe so it is easy to follow. There is not a lot of room for error if you measure the ingredients correctly and follow instructions. The truth is that I cannot take responsibility for what you do in the kitchen when I am not looking.

After so many years of blogging and receiving all kinds of messages from readers, I know that some of you will try to become creative with the recipes, which I cannot control. Most of the time, this is not about me or my recipes, it is about you and your ability to follow instructions.

Changing a recipe is good when you know what you are doing, but if you do not have enough experience, the best advice is to follow what the blogger tells you. The most successful bloggers will test the recipe multiple times to make sure it is a good recipe, and this is what I do too.

However, sometimes the recipes can contain a typo or need clarification, so the best way to correct it is to use the comment area to ask questions. I will do the best I can to answer as soon as possible.

Where do I get my inspiration for my recipes

  • Most of the recipes you will find on my blog are recipes I cook for many years.
  • I am in love with culinary books and have a big collection of them in different languages.
  • The way people used to eat in the past before the industrial revolution arrived fascinates me. I love old cookbooks, read magazines, other blogs and go to the library for research.
  • I create my own recipes with ingredients I find in the pantry and fridge. Most of the time, even if I make a recipe from somewhere else, I put my personal stamp on it.

How many times do I make each recipe before I post it on the blog

It depends on how difficult the recipe is. I try to make it at least two times, if not more if there are some challenges. I do feel a huge responsibility for posting accurate recipes that use correct techniques.

Comment policy

I thank you for your nice, polite, constructive, and on-topic comments. I love all your comments, and I will try to respond to as many of them as fast as possible. However, I reserve the right to remove any rude, inappropriate, or offensive comment. 

I would love to create a community of food lovers, people who enjoy being in the kitchen or would like to learn how to cook. Let’s learn from each other and be nice.

Thank you all!

If you have any other questions, please contact me at [email protected]